Inheriti subscription

We will be able to buy lifetime subscription or only monthly?

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The Community Edition is 10,000.0 SHA for a lifetime plan at the moment.
When the Standard Edition comes in, there will be subscription plans.



once we active our CE plan is there the option to change later (once SE was ppublished) the plan by adding more people just for the current SHA 2000 or will this additional person be paid monthly/annualy as teh SE version is already live or will the entire plan change from CE to SE in this case?
thank you

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Well adding people to an existing plan is not possible as the the cryptographical splitting of the secret data happens when creating the protection plan, Thresholds are selected and number of stakeholders defined. Moreover the DMS/validators shares are stored on the blockchain so this can’t be undone. A new plan has to be created for that reason in the CE. In the SE we will have the possibility in using SafeGuard etc… to give more flexibility to to plan creation process.

Kind regards,

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